Brewer's Terminology Shortlist
Everywhere in the world there are brewers. Not all of them speak the same language
nor whistle the same tunes. But, they all know the ins and outs of brewing beer,
experimentation, and achieving their goals.
Here are is a very short list of common terminology that may help you understand
a little more about what we (Gunner & Chef) talk about on the show.
ABV = Percentage of Alcohol By Volume
IBU = International Bitterness/Bittering Units
OG = Original Gravity. A reading to ascertain potential alcohol percentage before pitching.
FG = Final Gravity. Specific gravity ratio of the density of beer to the density of water at the end of fermentation, often taken with a hydrometer (or saccharometer)
SRM = Standard Reference Method (a measure of lightness/darkness in beer)
EBC = European Brewery Convention
Pitching = the process of carefully adding yeast to the wort to reduce stress on the yeast and maximize alcohol production
volCO2 = Volume of Carbonation
Nitro = Nitrogen infused beer simulates a creamier mouthfeel with lower carbonation
Imperial = strong beer with higher ABV produced using more ingredients. The practice began in England during the late 1800s.
Notes = Distinguishable Flavors
Mash = hydrated barley, malt enzymes, grain starches, & fermentable sugars. This is the “hot stage” which produces Wort.
Wort = liquid extracted from the mash containing the sugars which the yeast will ferment to produce CO2 and alcohol
Malt = Extracted sugars and other compounds found in grains such as barley
Yeast = living unicellular fungi which consumes sugars to produce carbon dioxide, alcohol, and flavor
Hops = Humulus Lupulus (Cannabaceae) flowers containing yellow glands of Lupulin resin, alpha compounds, and essential oils responsible for aroma, flavor, and bitterness, balancing the sweetness of malt. Hops can be added to both the mash and wort.
Alpha(AA) = Alpha acids (α acids) of Lupulin isomerized in boiling wort.
Head = Beer bubbles that rise to the top of the glass, usually measured in "fingers"
Fingers = a visual estimate of the thickness/body based on the beer head/foam
Nose = Olfactory Scent/Smells perceived from the glass after a pour
Body = the fullness of viscosity, thickness, flavor, aroma, and mouthfeel
Mouthfeel = the textural attributes of beer as it is consumed
Lace (or Legs) = Residue from beer head as it clings to the inside of the glass
Color = The overall color/darkness/lightness based on SRM/EBC
Burnt = When the particulates in a mash or wort get scorched due to high watt density, temperature, and other factors.
Hop Burn = extreme astringency in aftertaste typically associated with hops, most often in "Hazy" IPAs
Bugged = a bad batch of beer due to improperly sanitized equipment, poor ingredients, bacteria, mildew, etc.
Dry Hopping = adding dry hop pellets to fermented beer for extra aroma and flavor.
Detailed info here:
Gunner & Chef recommend the Beer and Brewing website for a comprehensive and huge list of jargon/terminology: